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Many things in many languages A list of some of the things that make ewidi a fresh and exciting new tool for the web
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a breeze of fresh air for the internet A new internet cool has arrived to the net and it arrives with many interesting features aimed to a planetary audience. From the beginning the first thing you notice about Ewidi is that it is indeed a very global tool. Its publishing, searching and interacting features work in any language of the planet, and its interface itself can be displayed in 20 different languages.
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connecting the world with a new tool A new internet cool has arrived to the net and it arrives with many interesting features aimed to a planetary audience
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Connecting the world, a new internet tool Ewidi, a new internet tool has been launched this week promising to help people connect with each other thanks to its publishing, searching and interacting features
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Ewidi, conectando el mundo de forma libre, gratuita, rapida e imaginativa Una nueva herramienta ha llegado a la red y llega replete de interesantes utilidades enfocadas a una audiencia planetaria. Desde el principio lo primero que notas sobre Ewidi es que de veras es una herramienta muy global. Sus diferentes utilidades funcionan en cualquier lenguaje del planeta y su interface se puede mostrar en 20 idiomas diferentes.
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Universal Message Boards - Ewidi The folks at Ewidi are taking an old idea and are trying to make it new again. Most people would say that there is nothing “Web 2.0-ish” about message boards. They might be the crazy old uncle that sits in the corner of the Web as far as innovation goes.
Source: lockergnome.com
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Ewidi is indeed a global tool Ewidi is an interesting Web 2.0 service that has just been brought to my attention. It brings together the features of a search engine and an ad service, and enables users to connect and interact with each other using simple text messages.
Source: realgeek.com
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Ewidi is a global meeting room Ewidi is a free worldwide dynamic message board which works in 26 different languages making it a global meeting room. In Ewidi you can search, publish and interact with other users and also broadcast what you have to offer to the world.
Source: neobinaries.com
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Need something? Find it on Ewidi Ewidi is an interesting Web 2.0 service that has just been brought to my attention. It brings together the features of a search engine and an ad service, and enables users to connect and interact with each other using simple text messages.
Source: franticindustries.blogspot.com
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Hrvat sudjelovao u izradi uspješnog web servisa Ewidi je novi internetski servis, zamišljen kao križanac izme?u pretraživa?a i oglasnika. Zanimljivo je da su u izradi ove usluge sudjelovali Nijemac Frank Gassan, Španjolac Javier Ideami i Hrvat Marko Kova?
Source: tportal.hr
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